How to Speak Maintenance - Tips For And From The Multifamily Industry

How to Speak Maintenance - Apprenticeship Programs for Maintenance

November 10, 2023 Texas Apartment Association Education Foundation (TAAEF)

Hear success stories from maintenance apprenticeship programs and why programs like these can be transformative for your company. Join host, Jason Fein, Camden Property Trust and TAA's Becca Ramati who will be joined by Coby Racine, a graduate of Camden's apprenticeship program.

The Texas Apartment Association Education Foundation’s live series, wants everyone in multifamily to “speak maintenance” so they can value and better understand the work of the maintenance team. With that understanding there will be increased and better communications between office and maintenance and a better overall experience for the resident. Each month we chat with different guests on a variety of different topics to help us all learn to speak maintenance.

#MaintenanceMatters #CareerGrowth #LearnToSpeakMaintenance